
Thursday, 20 December 2012

0 Life Is a Journey - How You Travel Is Up to You

Are you happy with your life? At this point in time, do you really feel good about the road you are travelling on, or do you feel you have strayed off course and are blundering around in the wilderness?

It is easy to get side tracked in life. Some of those innocent side tracks can hijack the eager traveller with promises of all sorts of appealing things, but in reality only lead to a dead-end.

Tired and weary, the traveller then has to go back to square one and begin again. Some never go back, they just stay stuck where they are, never reaching their full potential or true destination.

How do you avoid hitting a road block or dead-end? Well it's not always easy as life seems to take great pleasure in throwing them our way. Maybe life is testing us to see how well we bounce when hit hard with an obstacle?

The secret to a successful life is knowing that there will always be problems ahead. That is what life is all about, it is about solving problems. That's it! Just as the tide ebbs and flows, there will be times of high achievement and times of problems and disappointments. These times are known as the valleys and peaks in life. The valleys are where you want to spend the less time as this is where the problems are, in the shadow of the peaks. Your goal is to climb and struggle to the top of the peak where the air is pure and clean, and the view is amazing.

To put it simply - if you know there are always going to be obstacles ahead, then you are not disheartened when you find them. If you know where you are going, if you have a strong goal that you are passionate about achieving, then you will be able to find a way around any roadblock. You learn to think more creatively and can find a way - you could go around it, over it, or dig your way under it metaphorically speaking.

To the wise traveller, any problem is just a challenge to find a solution. Failure doesn't worry them, and even if they do fail on any one attempt, they learn from the experience and move on, rather than crying and giving up. They are flexible in their attitude, and confidant of their ability.

This is the message I want to convey to you. Never give up on your dreams. Yes, you can alter them, you can adjust the goal as you move through life. And adjust you should. Just like a pilot makes small adjustments through the planes journey to ensure arriving at the right destination, so too should you. Things change, circumstances force new paths upon us, life is never standing still.

The trick is to be aware of this, so that you take disappointments in your stride. They might slow you down, you may need to stop for a short rest to catch your breath, but if you have the right attitude you will always get up again and trek onwards.

One thing people get hung up on is the reaching of that ultimate goal. They focus like a laser beam on it and that is all they see. But another secret to a good fulfilling life is that we must enjoy the journey towards our goals. On our trail we pass many wonderful sights, meet so many fascinating people, and journey along some amazing paths. Take the time to enjoy the trip, take the time to smell the roses as they say. Play with the kids, run with the dog, enjoy the tranquillity of a beautiful garden. These are mini rewards along the way for you.

It is good to be goal orientated and focused on your purpose, but if you just travel the straight line you may finally get your goal only to feel disappointed. You could miss a lot of fun along the way. Travel with your eyes wide open, be receptive to opportunity. Even enjoy the odd bump in the road.

Life is a wonderful journey full of possibilities. As you go from valley to peaks, take it all in your stride. With the right attitude you can do anything. As many a great master has said - you are what you think. Take care of what you think - it is the difference between a mediocre life or an amazing life. Which one do you want your life to be?

By Jean Brewer

We are all responsible for how our own lives work out. I believe that learning doesn't stop when you leave school, it continues on throughout life. Brewer International is a site devoted to providing information for those who want to improve their lifestyle whether it is improving your health, slimming, creating financial freedom or just motivation to inspire you on your journey.


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